
Fallout 4 halo assault rifle mod
Fallout 4 halo assault rifle mod

The first layer reacts quickly to absorb initial recoil, while the second layer dissipates the remaining energy to maximize absorption. 200 Series Dual Action Sporting Clays pad has two layers of Sorbothane for extra protection.

fallout 4 halo assault rifle mod

Grind and shape like regular pads, just don't allow heat to build up. These pads don't just slow recoil down, they actually cut the kick dramatically by absorbing it! Made from soft, springy, Sorbothane, they end next-day-hurt, tame large caliber flinch and allow recoil-sensitive shooters to shoot in comfort.

fallout 4 halo assault rifle mod fallout 4 halo assault rifle mod

Kick-Eez Recoil Pad - Large 1-1/8" All Purpose Pad, Black

Fallout 4 halo assault rifle mod